This is the original 90 second TV spot that aired December 5, 1996, the day the EV1 was introduced. It ran several times on NBC, and was seen on high profile programs such as "Friends" and "ER." Shortly thereafter, a shorter 60 second version aired for a few weeks. (courtesy General Motors)
copyright 1996 GM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
The commercial will begin to play after your hard drive has cached an adequate amount of material to give uninterrupted playback. This time can vary due to loads on the internet, but has averaged 2-3 minutes before playback begins. In the event that playback stops before the commercial finishes, wait a few moments and playback will resume automatically..
Download QuickTime 4 for Macintosh and Windows,and follow the instructions on Apple's QuickTime website for correctly installing the new QuickTime plugin into your browser's plugins folder. Relaunch your browser, andenjoy the commercial!